HowTo install
IPA iPhone

HowTo install IPA iPhone
Tutorial:  How to install application in ipa file package.
Method:  The idea is to put the file (.ipa) in your iPhone Device using
ftp in Installous Downloads folder then install it from Installousthere
are PC software that can install ipa file from your pc to the iphone
here is another method that some may like it.
Installous (installed in your iphone)
ftp competible with iphone (f.e WinSCP iPhone FTP)
this is the Installous downloads folder
/private/var/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads <- Here you
put the ipa file
Run Installous now >> Click Downloads >>
You will see your file >> Click on your file
>> Click Install >> You Are Done
The ipa file installed in your iPhone, you can see it’s icon somewere.
after installing the application you can remove the .ipa file from the
folder to save space